
12:13. An average support - replacement

1. Turn off two nuts of an arm of a support, remove both half of an arm.
2. Designate a relative positioning of flanges of forward and back sections of the driveshaft (photo).

11.2 Before a detachment of the driveshaft designate the mutual provision of flanges

12.2 Designation of a relative positioning of flanges of sections of a shaft

12.3 Fix the driveshaft and turn off bolts of flanges of forward and back sections

12:5á The Nut of a flange of a zakontren cave-in of a wreath in a groove of a carving part of a shaft

3. Fix the driveshaft and turn off bolts of flanges of forward and back sections (photo).
4. Designate the provision of a flange concerning a groove on a carving part of a shaft.
5. Turn off a nut of a flange of the cardan hinge for what correct раскерненнуго a part of a wreath of a nut (photo), screw bolts in a flange and record shaft section from a provorachivaniye (photo). 6. Remove a flange (photo).
7. Remove an average support by means of a hydraulic press (to vypressovat an average support and it is recommended to press new in car service).
8. At a zapressovyvaniye of an average support, be convinced that the letter "Р is turned to a forward part of the car.
9. Apply a thin film of jellied lubricant on an end face of an average support and a washer. Establish a washer into place.
10. Combine a flange tag with a groove. Establish a flange.
11. Wrap a lock-nut and tighten with the set moment, then a zakontrita, having pressed a nut wreath into a groove of a carving part of a shaft (photo).
12. Combine tags on flanges and wrap bolts.
13. Further operations on assembly are carried out upside-down. At installation of an arm of an average support keep in mind that the joint in a rubber pillow of the bearing of a support has to be turned up.

12:11 Two types of nuts of a flange of an average support – with a fillet (at the left), a standard nut with a washer (on the right)

12:5í Otvorachivany nuts of a flange

12.6 Removal of a flange of an average support from the forward driveshaft