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15. Suspension brackets and steering

1. General information
2. Hairpins of fastening of a wheel - replacement
3. The stabilizer - removal and installation
4. Shock-absorbers - removal and installation
5. The torsion - removal and installation
6. Bars and extensions of a suspension bracket - removal and installation
7. The top lever and a spherical support - removal and installation
8. The lower lever and a spherical support - removal and installation
9. Springs of a back suspension bracket - removal and installation
10. Bars of a back suspension bracket - removal and
11. The stabilizer of a back suspension bracket - removal and installation
12. Steering - general information
13. A wheel - removal and installation
14. The lock of a steering column - removal and installation
15. A steering reducer - removal and installation
16. A steering reducer (the car without hydraulic booster) - dismantling
17. Steering
18. The pump hydraulic boosters - removal and installation
19. Removal of air from a wheel hydraulic actuator
20. Steering drafts - removal and installation
21. The angles of installation of forward wheels - general information
22. Wheels and tires - general information