
6.3. The thermostat - removal and

1. The thermostat is mounted in a forward part of the soaking-up collector on 4-cylinder engines, or in a forward right part of the engine (V6).
2. Merge cooling liquid.
4-cylinder engines
3. Remove the air filter and the top hose of a radiator.
4. Turn off thermostat cover bolts.
5. Get the thermostat, having paid attention to its orientation (photo).
6. Carefully remove old consolidation.
7. Apply the thin roller of silicone sealant on a cover of the thermostat.
8. Establish laying on a cover.
9. Install the thermostat (photo), a cover, dress the plug of a wire of connection with weight and tighten bolts.
10. Establish all details, fill in liquid, and, without closing a radiator a stopper, warm up the engine. Add liquid and wrap a stopper.
V6 engine
11. Remove the fan with a casing and belts of hinged units. Lift the car.
12. Disconnect the lower hose from a branch pipe for what turn off a bolt of an arm and weaken a collar.
13. Weaken the second collar and remove a branch pipe
14. Turn off bolts and uncover (photo).

3.17 Thermostat cover. The arrow at installation has to be turned up

15. Get the thermostat, having paid attention to its arrangement, and remove consolidation.
16. Establish the thermostat by a spring towards the engine.
17. Establish laying, having greased with sealant, dress a cover (photo) and tighten bolts.
18. Establish other details, fill in liquid, warm up the engine and be convinced of lack of a leak.