9.8. Air stream regulator
1. Disconnect from the regulator a hose (see a photo in Gl.4, section 9).
2. Disconnect the socket.
3. Turn off bolts and remove the regulator from the soaking-up collector.
4. It is independently possible to define presence of tension on the regulator, the regulator resistance, and also closing of a lock at a regulator warming up. If the gate is not closed in the presence of tension and normal resistance, then hand over the regulator in car service for diagnostics.
5. Remember the provision of a lock of the regulator. At a temperature of 1419 °C the lock has to block about a half of the channel. At fall of temperature the lock opens more.
6. Give on the regulator by means of auxiliary wires (in one of them seal a safety lock) tension from the battery.
7. At a regulator warming up current from the battery the lock has to block the channel (approximately in 5 min.). In this case the regulator is serviceable, execute operations, starting with item 10.
8. If the lock is closed too long, then check regulator resistance.
9. If resistance differs from norm, then replace the regulator.
10. Check tension on the regulator, having connected the voltmeter between conclusions and and b of the socket (photo). Tension has to be about 12 V and later 5 sec. to decrease to 0. Otherwise conducting of the regulator is faulty.
11. The regulator can not work if there is no connection with weight via the processor block, despite presence of tension on a conclusion "and". Check integrity of a wire from the regulator to the processor block.
12. Installation is carried out upside-down. Replace a sealing ring.