7.10. Units of control and measuring system with the processor ECCS block - general information
10. Units of control and measuring system with the processor ECCS block - general information
System of direct injection of fuel
1. The processor block processes information from sensors and operates work of systems of ignition and injection of fuel, supporting a stoichiometric ratio of gasoline and air. The block also provides diagnostics of systems and includes control lamps. The stabilized source for power supply of various sensors is built in the block.
2. The sensor of rotation of the crankshaft (photo) develops the main signal for the ECCS block. Consists of a rotor with slot-hole structure and the shaper assembled on optical couple. On a rotor there are 2 groups of cracks - located through 1 ° (for rotation registration) and the pair cracks located through 120 ° (for registration of turn of the crankshaft VMT is relative).
Stream speed sensor
3. The sensor of termoanemometrichesky type, is intended for measurement of a volume consumption of the air given to cylinders (photo).
10:2í Slot-hole structure of a rotor 1. The Reperny crack for 1 - That the cylinder 2. A crack for registration of rotation 3. A crack of a signal of angular movement on 120 °
10:2ó Scheme of the sensor of rotation of the crankshaft 1. Cover 2. Rotor 3. Shaper 4. Photo diode 5. Light-emitting diode 6. Runner
10.4 Engine 1 temperature sensor. The sensor socket (on the V6 engine) 2. The sensor (on the K24 engine)
Engine temperature sensor
4. The sensor registers temperature of cooling liquid and is connected to the processor block (photo).
Sensor of exhaust gases
5. Will screw in a final collector, it is intended for tracking of content of oxygen in exhaust gases (photo).
Switch throttle gate
6. It is intended for identification of the mode of idling. Idling contacts of the sensor are closed, when pressing a pedal of a butterfly valve contacts are disconnected (photo).
Car speed sensor (VSS-sensor)
7. It is intended for formation of a signal of speed of the movement of the car given on the processor block built in a speedometer. On an arrow speedometer the sensor represents the reed switch, on digital the sensor is executed in the form of optical couple with the shaper of impulses.
Detonation sensor
8. The sensor of a detonation of piezoelectric type, is intended for definition of a detonation in cylinders (photo).
9. The electromagnetic valve intended for
supply of fuel in cylinders. Contains the coil and the needle valve. Works under the influence of an impulse from the processor block (photo).
Power transistor block
10. It is intended for strengthening of signals of ignition from the processor block, switching of primary chain of the coil of ignition and receiving impulses of the high voltage (photo).
Ignition coil
11. It is intended for receiving impulses of the high voltage (photo).
Perepuskna valve (AAS-valve)
12. Regulates amount of the air given directly to cylinders idling, passing a butterfly valve. Copes from the processor block.
Stabilizer of turns of idling (IAA block)
13. Consists of the perepuskny valve and the adjusting screw. It is intended for stabilization of idling (photo).
Recirculation pneumatic valve
14. Controls amount of the exhaust gases coming to the soaking-up collector through the conical lock which is rigidly connected with a vacuum diaphragm (photo).
Electromagnetic valve of recirculation
15. Blocks the vacuum channel of a diaphragm of a pneumatic valve of recirculation in response to interruption signals from the processor block (photo). At the switched-off solenoid depression from a collector moves on a pneumatic valve. At turning on of the solenoid the plunger of the valve blocks the vacuum channel.
Fuel pump
16. Submersible type, it is mounted in a tank (photo).
Air stream regulator
17. Provides switching of the cold engine to the raised idling turns due to opening of a bypass (photo). Consists of a lock with the thermoelectric drive.
Air ejection valve (AIV valve)
18. Provides air flow in a final collector due to ejection that is necessary for reburning of the remains incompleteness of the burned-down fuel (photo). At increase in pressure in a collector the backpressure reed valve works, preventing hit of gases in the air filter.
10:16 Fuel pump
1,5. Damper
2,7. Pump
3. Filter
4. Exit
6. Electric motor
8. Reducing valve
9. Entrance
10:17 The regulator of a stream of air redirects a stream to a collector bypassing a butterfly valve
The electropneumatic valve operating the AIV valve
19. Works from the processor block and provides unlocking of the valve of ejection in response to emergence of depression with the soaking-up collector {photo).
Pressure sensor in the hydraulic booster
20. The sensor is screwed in the highway of high pressure of the hydraulic booster. The signal from the sensor is used for correction of turns of idling at turning on of the power steering (photo).
Air temperature sensor
21. It is intended for correction of the moment of ignition at the increased air temperature in a collector to prevent a detonation (photo).
System of injection with preliminary preparation of gas mixture
22. Are a part of the system one or two nozzles established on the case of a butterfly valve. The processor block operates nozzles. Many units of this system are similar to units of system of direct injection (photo).