5.9. Head of the block of cylinders cleanings and check of a state
1. Careful cleaning of a head (or heads) cylinders and details of the valvate mechanism with the subsequent check will allow to estimate amount of works on repair of valves and the mechanism of the drive of valves.
2. Remove all remains of material of laying from demountable surfaces of a head, being careful not to damage a surface. Remove a deposit from combustion chambers, and a scum from channels of the cooling system. Banish and clean all carving openings.
3. Wash out solvent all details of the valvate mechanism, rollers and yokes.
4. Remove a deposit from heads of valves.
5. Attentively examine a head, check existence of cracks and signs of penetration of cooling liquid. At detection of cracks replace a head.
6. Check deformation of a demountable surface of a head (photo). If the deviation from the plane exceeds norm, then the head should be pereshlifovat in a workshop of car service.
In a head of the V6 engine it is necessary to pereshlifovat the demountable planes of collectors also. In this case at assembly it is necessary to check freedom of rotation of a cam-shaft by hand. At feeling of noticeable resistance to rotation replace a head.
7. Check a condition of saddles of valves. In the presence of pitting (poles), cracks, traces of a burn-out repair of a head in a workshop of car service will be required.
8. Check a valve side play in the direction parallel to an axis of a yoke (photo). If the total side play on ин to a dikator exceeds norm, then it is necessary to check a gap between the plug and the valve (it is carried out in car service)
9. Check a condition of support of a cam-shaft.
10. Attentively examine valves, check existence on facets of valves of cracks, traces of uneven development, ablation of metal and a progar. Check existence of cracks on necks and cores, and also a bend of cores, turning the valve in the directing plug. Check wear of end faces of cores. Presence of any of the specified defects indicates the need of repair of valves for a workshop of car service.
11. Measure width of a regional corbel of each valve and compare to standard value (photo). If this distance is less than 0,8 mm, then the valve is subject to replacement.
12. Check existence of wear tracks and poles at end faces of each spring of the valve.
Measure spring length in a free state (photo). Before installation of springs it is necessary to check them for the repaired engine under loading at the special stand (it is carried out in a workshop of car service).
13. Check vertical position of springs (photo). At detection of a deviation of a spring from a vertical and a deflection on length the spring should be replaced.
14. Check existence of visible wear tracks and cracks on plates of springs and crackers. Replace details with any defects.
15. Check of yokes and rollers is described in Part B of Hl. 2.
16. If when checking it becomes clear that wear of details does not exceed norm, then collect a head of cylinders, having established details on former places. It is necessary to carry out repair of a head of cylinders of any complexity in car service.