
5.12. The crankshaft - dismantle

The crankshaft can be removed only after dismantle of the engine from the car. Previously remove a flywheel (or a drive plate), a pulley-uspokoitel, a chain, the pallet, an oil receiver, the oil pump (on V6), a forward cover and rods with pistons.

11:46 ... and carefully get the piston and  a rod

12:1í... or probe

1. Previously check an axial side play of the crankshaft (photo). For what displace the crankshaft towards a back part of the engine, having made the maximum effort, and in this situation establish an indicator scale on zero. Then push a bent shaft towards a forward part of the engine and consider indications of the indicator. The size of an axial side play is equal to distance to which the shaft moved. If the axial side play exceeds standard value, then check wear of persistent surfaces of cheeks of the crankshaft. If wear insignificant, then a side play has to be compensated by installation of new radical bearings. The side play can be measured by probes, laying them between an end face of the 3rd radical bearing (or the 4th on V6 engines) and a crankshaft cheek.
2. Check existence on covers of orientation arrows and markings of number of the cylinder. Usually covers are numbered beginning from a forward part of the engine. If marking is absent, then put tags with a core. Release bolts of covers on 1/4 turns at one time in the specified sequence of the return (photo) until bolts do not begin to turn away by hand.
12:1á Check of an axial side play of the crankshaft indicator...

12:2á Marking of covers of radical bearings

12:2í The Sequence of an otpuskaniye of bolts of covers on 4-cylinder engines...

12:2ó ... and on V6 engines

13.2 Removal of the remains of laying

3. Carefully displace covers of radical bearings and remove them together with an insert. On 4 - cylinder engines of a cover of back and average bearings act adaptation (photo). On V6 engines of a cover are cast in a uniform framework.
4. Carefully remove the crankshaft. Establish covers with inserts in a former order and tighten bolts by hand.