
10.5. 5 step check points of the FS5W71B/C types dismantling

The procedure described below is applicable only to the check point till 1993. Repair of the check point after 1993 is carried out in car service.

4.6 Removal of a pin

4.8 Restrictive plug of a backing

4.9a Details of a case of 4i 5 step check points of early release 1. Epiploon 2. Dustproof cover 3. Bearing 4 case. Stopper of a filling opening 5.5stupenchataya KPP 6. Switch of neutral situation 7. Restrictive plug of a backing 8. Back kra

4.9b Details of a case 5-staged FS5W71B/C 1 check point. Dustproof cover 2,12. Epiploon 3,17. Restrictive plug of a backing 4. Back cover 5. Bearing 6 case. Bearing 7. Transitional section 8. Stopper of a filling opening 9. Drain stopper 10. At

4.10 At removal of a forward cover the adjusting washer drops out

4.15a Details of the mechanism of gear shifting of the check point of release till 1993 1. Handle 2. Lever 3. Top lock ring of a cover 4. Cover 5. Lower collar 6. Cover 7. Laying 8. Fork of inclusion of the 5th transfer and backing 9,13,29,31,33. Ball of a clamp 10.

4.15b Details of the mechanism of gear shifting of the check point of release after 1993 (for rear-wheel cars) 1. Handle 2. Lever 3. Top lock ring of a cover 4. Cover 5. Lower collar 6. Cover 7. Laying 8. Fork of inclusion of the 5th transfer and backing 9,14,15

1st stage of dismantling
1. Clear and wash up a check point case.
2. Remove a lever cover from a coupling case.
3. Remove the release bearing and a nave together with the lever (Hl. 8).
4. Remove all switches (photo) from a check point case.
5. On rear-wheel cars turn off bolts and remove a reducer of a speedometer (photo).
6. Get a lock ring and beat out a pin (photo).
7. Turn out a cap, get a spring and a plunger (photo).
8. Unscrew two screws and get the restrictive plug of a backing (photo).
9. Turn off two bolts and separate a back cover (photo) from a check point case.
10. Turn off bolts and remove a forward cover, get an adjusting washer and a lock ring of the bearing (photo).
11. Separate and get a check point case.
12. Clamp transitional section of a case in a vice, having tightened bolts an auxiliary plate (to make independently).
13. Beat out pins of forks of gear shifting (photo).
14. Turn out all three caps of clamps.
15. Get rods of forks (photo).
16. In process of extraction of rods get forks and balls with springs. Balls of smaller diameter are balls of clamps.

4.15v Details of the mechanism of gear shifting of the check point of release after 1S93 of g (for all-wheel drive cars) 1. Handle 2. Lever 3. Top lock ring of a cover 4. Cover 5. Lower collar 6. Cover 7. Laying 8. Fork of inclusion of the 5th transfer and backing 9,13,15,2

19. If damages are observed and the side play exceeds norm, then completely sort the check point and replace worn-out details
20. Press a stripper the forward bearing of an intermediate shaft.
21. Get a lock ring.
22. Carefully get intermediate and primary shaft.
23. Remove a lock ring and a persistent washer from a main shaft.
24. Remove the synchronizer 3rd and 4th of transfers and a gear wheel of the 3rd transfer.
25. Correct the hammer and to small beards raskernenny sites of nuts of secondary and intermediate shaft.
26. Remove a gear wheel of a backing and an adjusting washer.
27. Press a gear wheel of the 5th transfer and the bearing
28. Turn off a nut of an intermediate shaft (the nut is subject to replacement).
29. Remove a lock ring and remove an intermediate gear wheel of a backing.
30. Get a lock ring and remove a speedometer reducer gear wheel. *
31. Get 2 lock rings and remove the bearing of a secondary shaft.
32. Turn off a nut of a main shaft (the nut is subject to replacement)

4.17a Details of the FS5W71B/C check point (till 1993) 1. Bearing of a secondary shaft 2,13,16. Persistent washer 3. The bearing of the conducted gear wheel of the 5th transfer 4. Leading gear wheel of a reducer of a speedometer 5,12,51,53,56. Lock ring 6,7. Nut 8. The back bearing intermediate in

4.176 Details of the FS5W71B/C check point (after 1993) 1. Bearing of a secondary shaft 2,13,16. Persistent washer 3. The conducted gear wheel 1 - й transfers 4. Plug 5,12,32. Needle bearing 6,28. The blocking synchronizer 7,30 ring. Synchronizer 8 coupling. Internal

4.17v Details 4-staged F4W71B/C 1 check point. Nave of the synchronizer 1 and 2nd of transfers 2. The conducted gear wheel of the 2nd transfer 3. Needle bearing 4. The conducted gear wheel of a backing 5. Nut of a secondary shaft 6,13,27. Bearing 7. Persistent washer 8,25,28,32,34. Stop

4.18 Check of an axial side play of gear wheels KPP 1. Gear wheel 2. Face gap 3. Secondary shaft or plug

33. Remove a persistent washer, the plug, the needle bearing, a gear wheel of the 5th transfer the conducted backing gear wheel, the synchronizer and a holder.
34. Carefully beat out secondary and intermediate shaft from transitional section.
Secondary shaft
35. Check a condition of shlits of a shaft and teeths of gear wheels, sort and replace worn-out gear wheels.
36. Check a condition of a shaft (wear of shlits, violation of their straightforwardness, development, conicity).
37. Believe a condition of synchronizers, especially if work of the check point was followed by noise.
38. Establish densely blocking rings on gear wheels and check a gap between a gear wreath (photo).
39. At assembly of the synchronizer be convinced that the terminations of lock rings on both parties of a nave come into different grooves.
40. Begin assembly with installation on a secondary shaft of the needle bearing. Then establish a gear wheel of the 2nd transfer, the blocking ring and the synchronizer 1 and 2nd of transfers, watching correctness of installation.
41. Establish the blocking ring of a gear wheel of the 1st transfer, the needle bearing, a ball (grease before assembly), a washer, the plug and a gear wheel 1 - й transfers.

4.56 Removal of a pin from a ram rod

4.38 Check of a gap between a wreath of the leading gear wheel and the blocking synchronizer 1 ring. Gap

Intermediate shaft
42. The forward bearing of an intermediate shaft is removed when dismantling the check point.
43. The back bearing of a shaft remains in transitional section of a case.
44. Remove the leading gear wheel and get 2 splines.
45. Check a condition of shlits of a shaft and teeths of gear wheels.
46. Assembly is carried out upside-down.
Main shaft
47. Remove a lock ring and an adjusting washer.
48. Press the bearing (is subject to replacement).
49. Napressuyte the new bearing for an external holder.
50. Dress a washer.
51. Pick up a washer for thickness so that to compensate an axial side play.
52. Vypressuyte a back epiploon also press new. 1
53. Establish a sealing ring of a gear wheel of a reducer of a speedometer.
54. Replace a forward epiploon, having pressed new by means of a mandrel.
Back section of a case
55. Release a ram rod pin nut, turn off half.
56. Vypressuyte a pin, holding a nut (photo).
57. Remove the lever from a rod and get a rod.
58. Check a condition of a rod and the lever, if necessary replace. Replace a rod sealant.
59. Check a condition of the plug in a back part of section at detection of cracks or wear section replace.
60. Establish a ram rod upside-down.
61. Remove bearings intermediate and secondary in bulk from transitional section of a case and check their state. For this purpose unscrew 6 screws of the holder on transitional section.

4.84 Inhaling of a nut of a secondary shaft

62. Vypressuyte bearings, resting against external holders.
63. After washing check freedom of rotation of bearings. In case of jamming, the increased noisiness at rotation or in case of weakening of holders replace bearings.
64. Check a press fitting of the directing pins in transitional section of a case.
65. Press bearings easy blows in transitional section.
66. Press in transitional section the roller of an intermediate gear wheel at 2/3 of its lengths so that and in a cut
on the roller the lock plate of the bearing came.
67. Establish a lock plate and tighten screws with the set moment.
68. Raskernite screws to prevent their easing.
69. Carefully press the back bearing of an intermediate shaft in transitional section.
70. Press a secondary shaft in transitional section, resting an internal holder of the bearing.
71. Press an intermediate shaft.
72. Dress the needle bearing, a gear wheel of the 3rd transfer, the blocking ring and the synchronizer 3rd and 4th of transfers on a secondary shaft.
73. Establish a persistent washer and a lock ring, having picked up it for thickness to minimize an axial side play (see the Table below).
74. Dress the directing needle bearing on a main shaft.
75. Enter the leading gear wheel of a main shaft into gearing with a gear wheel of the 4th transfer. Enter a main shaft with the leading gear wheel into gearing with secondary and intermediate shaft. Press a gear wheel of a secondary shaft a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter.
76. Establish a lock ring of the leading gear wheel of an intermediate shaft, having picked up it for thickness to minimize an axial side play (see the Table below).
77. By means of a mandrel to a napressuyta on an intermediate shaft the bearing.
78. Dress a remote washer of a gear wheel of a backing on an intermediate shaft.
79. Install on the roller of an intermediate gear wheel a lock ring, a persistent washer, the needle bearing, an intermediate gear wheel of a backing, a persistent washer of an intermediate gear wheel and a back lock ring.
80. From the back party of a secondary shaft establish a holder (if it is provided), the synchronizer, the conducted backing gear wheel, the plug, the needle bearing and the blocking ring.

4.85 Dependence of the actual moment of an inhaling (with the extender) from the indication on a scale of a key 1. Dynamometer key 2. The read-out moment 3. Top limit 4. The transformed moment 5. Lower limit

81. Dress the leading gear wheel of a backing on an intermediate shaft.
82. Enter both gear wheels of the 5th transfer into gearing and dress them on intermediate and - secondary shaft.
83. Grease a ball with jellied lubricant and establish a ball and a persistent washer from the back party of a secondary shaft.
84. Wrap a new nut of a secondary shaft and tighten with the set moment.

For an inhaling of a nut of a secondary shaft of the check point with the set moment on a dynamometer key the extender (photo) follows. In this case define the actual moment of an inhaling from the enclosed chart (photo).

85. Dress the back bearing of an intermediate shaft (photo).
86. Tighten a nut of an intermediate shaft with the set moment.
87. Raskernite of a nut of shaft so that wreaths of nuts came into selections on shaft.
88. Check a face gap of gear wheels (see above).

4.106 Check of a vystupaniye And for selection of thickness of an adjusting washer 1. Case          2. Bearing 3. Intermediate shaft

89. Dress on a secondary shaft a lock ring and a napressuyta the back bearing.
90. Pick up a back lock ring for thickness (see the Table).
91. Establish a lock ring, grease a ball and establish a ball and the leading gear wheel of a reducer of a speedometer on a secondary shaft. Establish an extreme lock ring.
92. Install a fork on the synchronizer coupling a fork 1 - й and the 2nd transfers. The extended part of a fork has to be turned towards an intermediate shaft. Install a fork on the coupling of the synchronizer of the 3rd and 4th transfers. The extended part of a fork has to be turned into the opposite side.
93. Install a fork on the coupling of the synchronizer of the 5th and back transfers. The top opening of a rod of a fork has to be on one line with a fork of the 3rd and 4th transfers.
94. Insert a rod of a fork of the 1st and 2nd transfers to an opening in transitional section and into a fork. Combine openings and press a new pin.
95. Combine dredging in a rod with an opening and insert a ball, a spring and wrap a cap, having greased slightly with sealant.
96. Turn transitional section with shaft and forks so that the collected clamp fell into an extreme lower state. Lower 2 balls in an opening for a clamp of the 3rd and 4th transfers and by means of the thin tool give balls against the stop to a rod of a fork 1 - й and the 2nd transfers (if the transitional section is established correctly, then balls have to pace the place). Pass a rod of the 3rd and 4th transfers through the top opening in a fork of the 5th transfer and a backing and transitional section and insert into a fork of the 3rd and 4th transfers. Balls have to be between the established rod and a rod of a fork 1 - й and the 2nd transfers. Combine openings of a fork and a rod and press a new pin. Insert a ball, a spring into an opening of a clamp of the 3rd and 4th transfers and wrap a cap, having greased slightly with sealant. Before installation of a ball of a clamp be convinced that the groove of a rod coincides with an opening.
97. In the remained opening a clamp lower 2 balls. Insert a rod of a fork of the 5th transfer and a backing into an opening in a fork and in transitional section. Make sure that balls are between the established rod and a rod of a fork of the 3rd and 4th transfers. Make sure that the opening of a clamp coincides with dredging on a rod and insert a ball, a spring into an opening and wrap a cap on sealant. Combine openings of a fork and the established rod and press a new pin.
98. Tighten all 3 caps with the set moment.
99. Grease rods and check smoothness of their movement.
100. Clear the demountable planes of a case and transitional section and grease with sealant.
101. Carefully dress a case on transitional section, having tracked that bearings of intermediate and secondary shaft came into case pro-points. Easy blows besiege a case in the place.
102. Establish a lock ring of the bearing of a main shaft.
103. Clear the demountable planes of transitional and back sections, grease with sealant.
104. Move forks to neutral situation and establish back section, the lever of the ram has to enter gearing with rods of the choice of transfers.
105. Tighten bolts of sections of a case with the set moment.
106. Check a vystupaniye And the forward bearing of an intermediate shaft concerning the plane of a case (photo) and pick up an adjusting washer for thickness (see the Table).

Measurement (mm)
Thickness of a washer (mm)

107. Fix a washer by dense lubricant and dress a forward cover with a new epiploon and new laying, without having damaged an epiploon.
108. Grease with sealant and tighten cover bolts with the set moment.
109. Other operations are carried out upside-down.